Thursday, June 13, 2024

Models in the Studio

Anonymous Artist
The Painter and his Model
ca. 1815
oil on canvas
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Paul Gavarni
Model Reading
ca. 1840
Yale University Art Gallery

Alfred-Émile-Léopold Stevens
The Psyché (My Studio)
ca. 1871
oil on panel
Princeton University Art Museum

Henry Mosler
Artist in his Studio with Model on Dais
ca. 1874-77
Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio

Albert Besnard
Sleeping Model
etching, drypoint and aquatint
Art Institute of Chicago

Anders Zorn
Augustus Saint-Gaudens II
(Saint-Gaudens and his Model)
Art Institute of Chicago

Pablo Picasso
Painter with Model
Art Institute of Chicago

Reginald Marsh
Yale University Art Gallery

William Brice
Model in Workroom
drawing, with gouache
Art Institute of Chicago

David Park
The Model
oil on canvas
Yale University Art Gallery

Pablo Picasso
The Artist and his Model
oil on canvas
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York

Philip Pearlstein
Models in the Studio
Art Institute of Chicago

Philip Pearlstein
Two Female Models in Bamboo Chairs with Mirror
oil on canvas
Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio

Tibor Kalman (designer)
Print Advertisement for Isaac Mizrahi
ca. 1990-91
offset lithography
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

Tibor Kalman (designer)
Print Advertisement for Isaac Mizrahi
ca. 1992
offset lithography
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

Tibor Kalman (designer)
Print Advertisement for Isaac Mizrahi
ca. 1992
offset lithography
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

from The Distinguished Thing

It all seems literal and small: the marriage and the moving; the career,
The pension, the prescriptions; the stock banalities of age.
What is that simple truth I want to bring to mind, the truth that lies behind
The willful effort to invest these hours with the distant grandeur
Of a different age, and memories that are more about remembering
Then the world they try to re-create? That world is gone,
Supplanted by an unremarkable room where a person sits alone
And tells the story of his life to anyone who's interested, i.e., to no one,
For the others all have stories of their own. That leaves the waiting,
Waiting out the season while the afternoons begin to lengthen
One more time into those beautiful spring evenings, though for what?

– John Koethe (2009)