Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Polaroid Pumpkins
Halloween has arrived in Polaroid-land. Above, the day of pumpkin carving, Mabel cheek to cheek with the jack o'lantern she drew (and the grown-ups carved). Below, crouching with menace in her gargoyle costume – along with a tall friend – on top of the beloved straw mountain at the pumpkin farm. Other festivities, amusements, and a Big Birthday follow.
The postscript below features three of Mabel's small friends who are at present staying at my house. The green alien came several weeks ago and the little dinosaur came last week, while the stick person only arrived this morning. What they all three have in common is that Mabel asked me to make clothing for them. For the stick person I also had to contribute arms and a head. Soon they will be returning to Mabel's house, but until then they pass their time as shown, pretending to be opera singers.