No trip to the Castro, not even one for so dull a purpose as mine today (the cash machine) goes unrewarded.
I saw some Japanese tourists trying to photograph the giant rainbow flag this afternoon with the sun behind it, but to do that is almost impossible. I wanted to tell them to go around behind the flag and photograph it with the sun at their backs, but I was too shy to make this suggestion. However, I went and did so myself, overlooking a deserted MUNI tunnel that I always envision as a happy playground for teenagers at night, since this chain-link fence would obviously be no trick for them to vault.
But it looks like a greeting card. Perhaps all rainbow flag pictures necessarily look like greeting cards.
San Francisco Ballet promises Castro residents Post Performance Cocktail Receptions for the LGTB Community. That they resisted using bare chested dancers on the poster should be chalked up to their credit, I think. Joan Boada modeled for this promotion.
The building bearing this sign-plate is situated on Diamond Street, in fact. Diamond runs parallel to Castro, one block west. It is only inside their heads that the owners of this building inhabit a Fassbinder film. But imagination easily turns into fact in the Castro. Cast in bronze, no less.