Mabel Watson Payne was just waking up from a nap when I arrived to begin fitting her for a new dress – the first of many that I hope to be allowed to sew.

Still a bit sleepy, she nevertheless consented to change out of her own polka dot dress (complemented by baby leg warmers) into a couple of tiny faded synthetic dresses that once made part of her mother's wardrobe (and had originated even back then as hand-me-downs). I had the idea of cutting up these dresses and using them as patterns if they turned out to be the right size and shape.

The pink one was already too small. Mabel Watson Payne felt tolerantly stupefied to find herself wearing such a garment.

But the yellow one, with its square yoke, looks to be a serviceable model, provided we ditch the lacy floppy collar, unpoof the poofy sleeves, and subtract excess fullness from the body.

Fashion duties fulfilled (and a quick diaper change out of the way) Mabel Watson Payne was ready to settle in and socialize, now fully awake.