Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Temple Scenes and Scenery

Edward Agricola
Temple of Neptune, Paestum
oil on canvas
Pushkin Museum, Moscow

Willem von Bemmel
Ruin of Classical Temple
ca. 1660
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Johann Franciscus Ermels
Temple Ruins in Rome
ca. 1680
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Ancient Greek Culture
Nereid on Seahorse, emerging from the Ocean
380 BC
marble pediment figure from the Temple of Asklepios, Epidaurus
National Archaeological Museum, Athens

Francesco Fontanesi
Temple of Apollo
(stage design for opera at La Fenice, Venice)
Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan

Valerio Belli
Christ expelling the Money-changers from the Temple
ca. 1535
bronze plaquette
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Jean de Troy
St Peter and St John healing the Paralytic
before the Temple of Jerusalem

ca. 1687
oil on canvas
(modello for altarpiece)
Musée Fabre, Montpellier

James Holland
Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome
ca. 1840-45
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Conrad Martin Metz
Scene in the Temple of Apollo
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Hubert Robert
The Old Temple
ca. 1787-88
oil on canvas
Art Institute of Chicago

Hubert Robert
Interior of a Funerary Temple
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Presentation in the Temple
ca. 1502-1504
tempera on panel, transferred to canvas
(element from altarpiece predella)
Pinacoteca Vaticana, Rome

Carlo Maratti
Augustus closing the Doors of the Temple of Janus,
marking the establishment of Peace

ca. 1655-57
oil on canvas
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille

Jean-Jacques Lagrenée
Cleobis and Biton
pulling their Mother's Chariot to the Temple of Juno

(study for painting)
Morgan Library, New York

Luigi Vacca
Family Group gathered outside a Temple
ca. 1820
Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan

Jean-François Thomas de Thomon
Ruin of the Temple of the Vestals
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

from The Island of Statues

A wriggling thing on the white lake moved,
     As the canker-worm on a milk-white rose;
And down I came as a falcon swoops
     When his sinewy wings together close.
I 'lit by the thing, 'twas a shepherd-boy,
     Who, swimming, sought the island lone;
Within his clenchèd teeth a sword.
     I heard the dreadful monotone
The water-serpent sings his heart
Before a death. O'er wave and bank
     I cried the words you bid me cry,
The shepherd raised his arms and sank,
     His rueful spirit fluttered by.

– W.B. Yeats (1885)