Years ago I used to know one of the owners of Trax Bar, which is now (according to the handout above) "bringing art faggotry back to the Haight."
Since the Haight has never been exactly famous for its faggotry (either of the art or of the non-art sort) there shouldn't be much competition.
Good for Trax, managing to remain a presence. And good for ARTFAG. May it thrive. Every other Wednesday after 10 p.m.
Correction – After reading this post, a friend informed me that in the late Sixties and early Seventies a famous lesbian bar called MAUDE'S flourished in the Haight, and on the male side, the even more famous COCKETTES of the same period "were based in the Haight." The point turns out to be my own dimness about San Francisco gay history.