The new little camera-tripod gift has got me wandering around the flat photographing things I never bothered with before, such as this sample-section of the flotsam on the refrigerator door.

Loulou de la Falaise (1948-2011)
Alexis de Rede (1922-2004)
Jacqueline de Ribes (b. 1929)

Jean Genet (1910-1986)

Paper (I like the design better upside-down, as shown) recycled by my daughter for wrapping the 2010 Northern California Tide Log she and her husband gave me for Christmas this year. I know nothing about navigation, but living in San Francisco right up next to the Pacific Ocean makes me vaguely glad to be informed that during this current week "a full moon at perigee combines with Earth at perihelion to produce higher than normal currents and tidal ranges ("perigean spring tides").