The official Spencer Alley online fabric source is purlsoho.com which also has a three-dimensional real-world store in Manhattan. That store is closed today and tomorrow and will reopen Thursday in a new space (still in the same neighborhood, as the above map indicates).

On the store's site I noticed this new book of little girl dress patterns, originally published in Japan. The text has been translated into English but the patterns remain in Japanese.

There is an online tutorial about figuring them out if a person is not used to reading Japanese nor using the metric system nor coping with several pattern pieces printed over the top of one another, as seems to be the norm in Japan – a country with a good claim to being the style capital of the world throughout human history.

Last month we were also referencing tiny dresses here. This is because I envision collaborating with my daughter on constructing them as one of many welcome and likely components in my future as a grandfather.
Just at present I am stitching together long panels of the purlsoho fabric above. These will line the inside walls of the baby dwelling that is currently coming into being. The effect is intended to resemble a trellis with bits of sky showing through the openings.