Friday, July 2, 2010

Italian Artifacts

Jacopo Bassano (after Raphael)
details of The Miraculous Draught of Fishes, 1545

Jacopo Tintoretto
details of The Conversion of Saint Paul, c. 1545

Michelangelo Anselmi
detail of Apollo and Marsyas, c. 1540

Antonio Rossellino
details of Madonna and Child, c. 1477

Lodovico Lombardo
details of The Emperor Hadrian, c. 1550

Vittore Carpaccio
detail of The Flight into Egypt, c. 1515

Giovanni Bellini
detail of Madonna and Child, c. 1480/1485

Giovanni Bellini and Titian
details of The Feast of the Gods, 1514/1529

Some favorite sights from the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. As I was picking out digitized details of The Feast of the Gods I was wondering to myself whether I had really looked at the painting when I was in the museum and had the chance. Maybe the problem is that such a famous masterpiece must always be viewed through a distracting glare of celebrity.