Yesterday after visiting Mabel Watson Payne and consulting at length about sewing projects that might appeal to her, I ordered five children's patterns in French from an outfit called Citronelle with its headquarters in Versailles.

Suzanne, the design immediately above, is the one we intend to try first. The pattern we ordered covers sizes 2 through 8, but we're going to see if we can size it down a little bit below a 2, so that Mabel Watson Payne can get the good of it as soon as possible. And that is the only one so far for which we have actually ordered fabric – Windham Fabric's Blue Sequin Dot (as seen below) from the line called storybook viii – discovered at purlsoho.com, our reliable favorite online fabric vendor (supplier of fabrics for the Baby Dwelling where Mabel Watson Payne now lives, and what could be a finer recommendation than that?)

When all materials arrive and construction starts, every step will be exhaustively reported here, rest assured.