After a quiet Christmas morning unloading the contents of the stockings with her parents, Mabel Watson Payne put on her special red dress in anticipation of a bigger splashier celebration in the afternoon.

Grandparents arrived with presents and treats. Then friends arrived with more presents and more treats.

The parents of Mabel Watson Payne made paella and everyone ate many helpings, exclaiming about its excellence.

Part way through the subsequent holiday socializing and grown-up present-opening, Mabel Watson Payne grew tired and decided it was time to get herself wrapped up and have a meal of her own and settle in for a well-earned night of rest. So that is what she did.

From the dear visitors, the little family received this framed vintage needlepoint cartoon spouting whale, complete with dimples and eyebrows. There is a spot for it inside the sleeping chamber of Mabel Watson Payne, which she is invisibly inhabiting below.