After I downloaded yesterday's pictures of Mabel Watson Payne from the camera, I found a few extras that I had forgotten. They were taken Monday night while I was babysitting. I had the idea of doing one of my little photo essays about what is on the shelves and surfaces and walls of the amusing apartment where I found myself.

But after only a few shots I gave up that idea because the light was inadequate without the flash, and it came to me that I seldom am truly happy with any pictures I take after dark. Anyway, it seemed like a better idea to minimize my own commotion and reduce the risk of waking the baby.
But when I saw the photos that did survive from that abortive idea back at the beginning of the week, they charmed me too much not to use them, scanty as they are.

And one further inducement was the coincidence that I had unwittingly photographed a Kate Spade guide to STYLE on one of my daughter's side tables. This on Monday, and then on Wednesday when we went birthday shopping for office clothes, the purchase we were both most exceptionally pleased about was the Kate Spade 50s-inspired jacket below (a puny photo – the best I could find – to finish up a post entirely based on indifferent photos). Seen in real life the lightweight "midnight" tweed is a satisfying combination of cream, black, blue and silver.