Back on February 12th I put up a post on Spencer Alley about this DRAGON and his cloth companion FISH who live in my office at the library and help me in my work. The next morning my daughter emailed me:
i love the FISH and DRAGON post!
it appears that 1 of your succulents is not doing as well as the other 2. the one on the right looks especially happy and robust, but the one on the left appears to have dwindled to a nubbin. Let me know if i may pick up another one for you sometime, to replace the nubbin?
The succulents and the small attractive pots had constituted a gift to me from my daughter and son-in-law. Last evening the pair of them made their way over to Spencer Alley so that we could all three have dinner on Mission Street at Weird Fish (our regular spot). In addition, they collected the bag I recently put together for my daughter, using fabric from a vintage coat she had supplied.
They brought me the new succulent my daughter had observed the need for, and we traded each other our (perceived) objects of beauty.
Here it is, the new succulent. After my haircut this morning I took it to my office and planted it, supplanting the nubbin. I had thought to save the nubbin alongside the new plant, but the nubbin fell to dust at the merest touch.
And here they are, the trio with one of the members being a new member.
In order to give them a bonding experience I posed them in front of one of the framed paintings in my office, not coincidentally painted by the very donors of the plants and pots.
I hope I can keep this thing in health and maintain the rosy-fingered-dawn effect at the tips of its tentacles.