Monday, August 5, 2024

Painters Painting

Giulio Bonasone
Woman Painting, inspired by Apollo
ca. 1545
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Marie-Guilhelmine Benoist
Self Portrait
oil on canvas
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe

Louis Lafitte
Ancient Greek Art Studio
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Domenico Pellegrini
Emperor Charles V retrieving the dropped brush of Titian
oil on canvas
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

Anonymous German Artist
The Studio
ca. 1830
oil on panel
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence

Louis Janmot
Self Portrait
oil on canvas
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

Jurij Šubic
Painter Gabriel Desrivières
with his Mother in the Studio

oil on canvas
National Gallery of Slovenia, Ljubljana

Claudius Peyrache
Copyist painting at an Easel
in the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon

William Strang
Death and the Artist
chiaroscuro woodcut
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence

John Covert
Model and Painter
ca. 1916-23
oil on canvas
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
The Painter (Self Portrait)
oil on canvas
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe

George Barbier
Le Modèle Intéressant
lithograph and pochoir
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

Greta Freist
The Painter's Family
ca. 1938
oil on canvas
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Harry Lips
Self Portrait with Mirror in the Studio
oil on canvas
Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht

Giacomo Manzù
Artist and Model
oil on canvas
Hermitage, Saint Petersburg

Kent Monkman
Artist and Model
acrylic on canvas
Denver Art Museum

The Saint and the Hunchback

Hunchback. Stand up and lift your hand and bless
     A man that finds great bitterness
     In thinking of his lost renown. 
     A Roman Caesar is held down
     Under this hump.

Saint.                        God tries each man
     According to a different plan.
     I shall not cease to bless because
     I lay about me with the taws
     That night and morning I may thrash
     Greek Alexander from my flesh,
     Augustus Caesar, and after these
     That great rogue Alcibiades.

Hunchback. To all that in your flesh have stood
     And blessed, I give my gratitude,
     Honoured by all in their degrees,
     But most to Alcibiades. 
– W.B. Yeats (1919)