When I brought the sewing machine over on Sunday afternoon, Mabel Watson Payne wanted me to take pictures of her new library card. Yes, babies receive library cards at San Francisco Public Library! Moreover, babies cannot be charged overdue fines. The new library card turned out to be the right size to fit on this baby's existing key ring with its yellow toggle. The horse and the Santa Claus are other contributions to the pictures that she decided at the last minute to make.
My daughter needed to borrow the sewing machine so she could manufacture lightweight cloth bags from fabric remnants. These will be the same as the bags she uses herself when shopping for produce (and that way avoids using plastic bags). Each one will have a ribbon drawstring around the top. They will go into a handmade holiday gifts fair at the office.
Mabel Watson Payne was fascinated by all this novel noise and activity. We mostly stayed over on the sofa out of the way, but we could see what was going on from there and also we took to playing fabric games with more of the same remnants my daughter was sewing and this made us feel included.