Joshua's Victory over the Amalekites 1625-26 |
Combat de soldat nus et casqués |
Poussin made paintings in many genres over the course of a long career. I am too much in the habit of thinking only of the landscapes when I think of Poussin, but the Friedlaender book (my recent companion) is a corrective, as seen here. Digital images mainly sourced from Joconde.
Compagnons de Renaud c. 1633-34 |
Chasse de Méléagre 1634-38 |
Achille parmi les filles de Lycomède c. 1651-53 |
Sainte Françoise Romaine c. 1657 |
Miracle de saint François Xavier 1641-42 |
Ravissement de saint Paul 1641 |
Assumption of the Virgin 1649-50 |
Ravissement de saint Paul 1649-50 |
Paysage avec ruines c. 1634 |
Seven Sacraments : Extreme Unction c. 1640 |
Testament of Eudamidas c. 1653 |
Lamentation sur le Christ mort c1657-58 |
Fuite en Egypte c. 1657-58 |