Sunday, October 7, 2018

Marble Romans in New York

Roman Empire
Head of Antoninus Pius
AD 138-161
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of a young woman
AD 98-117
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of Antinoüs
AD 130-138
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of a woman
13 BC - AD 5
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Getting There

You think you are the rider.
You slap the flanks and slack the reins
And ease the wind into your hair.
Is movement all or just the means?
You're getting warmer, getting there.
But what is in this earthen jar
That rides high on your hip?
(Be careful not to let it tip!)
You are whatever you can bear.
You think you are the rider?
Slap the flanks, slack the reins.
The jar contains yourself entire.
If you stop short it tips and drains.
The truth is what you can't abide.
You're just the ride.

– J. Allyn Rosser, from Mimi's Trapeze (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2014)

Roman Empire
Bust of a man
AD 50
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of a girl (fragment)
AD 138-161
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Bust of a man
AD 81-96
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of Sabina (probably)
AD 121-128
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Bust of an elderly man
2nd century AD
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Female Herm
1st century AD
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of Lucius Verus
AD 161-169
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of a woman
AD 110-120
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of an elderly man
late 1st century BC
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Roman Empire
Head of a boy
1st century AD
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York