Friday, October 23, 2020

Narratives in Relief - 1600-1650

attributed to Alexander Colin
Landscape with Numa Pompilius and the Nymph Egeria
ca. 1600
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Anonymous European Artist
The Nymph Callisto asleep in the Forest
ca. 1600
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Anonymous Italian Artist
Angels supporting the Dead Christ
ca. 1600-1620
gilt bronze
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Alessandro Masnago
Neptune pursuing Amphitrite
ca. 1600-1620
agate cameo
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Zacharias Lencker
Adoration of the Christ Child
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Anonymous German Artist
The Wedding of Jupiter and Juno
early 17th century
Hermitage, Saint Petersburg

from Gilgamesh

We met at the gay community center, called Compass,
in Lake Worth, where they sponsored "The Coming Out Group,"
with Forest, our skilled leader. Transsexuals met before.
You were fifty, I thirty-nine –
somewhat late to begin a life together for the first time;
we had begun to see announcements in the New York Times,
so we knew it was possible to print:
"Paul O'Shaughnessy and Spencer Reece were joined on a celery green love-seat . . ."
Five years we had, not forever, but something still.

                             *                     *                  *

You were distracted, distracted
until one day you said, "I do not desire you."
You had always been honest.
You wanted a younger man, between twenty and twenty-five.
The day blued around us –
our book of changes came to a close.
Your Christ-kiss issued no more.
You were what you had always been only more so –
Irish and unavailable, darling.

– Spencer Reece (2010)

Leonhard Kern
The Lamentation
ca. 1614-20
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Leonhard Kern
Scene in a Women's Bath House
ca. 1650
Victoria & Albert Museum, London

Niccolò Roccatagliata
The Annunciation
before 1636
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Jean Warin
Hercules relieving Atlas of the Globe
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

Adam Lenckhardt
The Lamentation
ca. 1630
Victoria & Albert Museum, London

Gérard van Opstal
Marine Scene 
(Fishermen and Putti hauling in a Net of Fish)
ca. 1640
Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Georg Schweigger
Susanna and the Elders
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Michel Anguier
The Flood
(damaged modello for a marble relief)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York