Monday, December 28, 2020

Baroque / Rococo Sculpture from Italy

Ercole Ferrata
St Scholastica
ca. 1655
Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome

Ercole Ferrata
St Clare
ca. 1655
Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome

Giovanni Martino Portogalli
Triton supporting Cornice
ca. 1705-1710
Palazzo Marucelli Fenzi, Florence

Giovanni Martino Portogalli
Nereid supporting Cornice
ca. 1705-1710
Palazzo Marucelli Fenzi, Florence

Angelo and Domenico Piò
Archangel Michael vanquishing Lucifer
ca. 1740-70
Chiesa di Sant' Agostino, Imola

Antonio Raggi
Bust of Apollo
before 1686
Hermitage, Saint Petersburg

Giuseppe Ceracchi
Bust of Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte
ca. 1775
Collection of Franco Maria Ricci, Fontanellato

Giovanni Pozzo
Portrait of antiquarian Philipp von Stosch
bronze medallion
Palazzo del Bargello, Florence

from Fizzle 6

"Old earth, no more lies, I've seen you, it was me, with my other's ravening eyes, too late. You'll be on me, it will be you, it will be me, it will be us, it was never us. It won't be long now, perhaps not tomorrow, nor the day after, but too late. Not long now, how I gaze on you, and what refusal, how you refuse me, you so refused.  . . .  For an instant I see the sky, the different skies, then they turn to faces, agonies, loves, the different loves, happiness too, yes, there was that too, unhappily. Moments of life, of mine too, among others, no denying, all said and done. Happiness, what happiness, but what deaths, what loves, I knew at the time, it was too late then. Ah to love at your last and see them at theirs, the last minute loved ones, and be happy, why ah, uncalled for. No but now, now, simply stay still, standing before a window, one hand on the wall, the other clutching your shirt, and see the sky, a long gaze, but no, gasps and spasms, a childhood sea, other skies, another body."

– Samuel Beckett (1976)

Giacomo Serpotta
Personification of Mercy
before 1732
Museo Diocesano di Palermo

Anonymous Italian Artist
Bust of a Man
17th century
colored wax
Collection of Franco Maria Ricci, Fontanellato

Anonymous Italian Artist
St Margaret
ca. 1640-50
colored wax relief
Bode Museum, Berlin

Anonymous Italian Artist after Titian
Mary Magdalen
ca. 1650-75
colored wax relief
Bode Museum, Berlin

Anonymous Italian Artist
Portrait of an Artist
late 18th century
colored wax relief mounted on painted glass
Philadelphia Museum of Art

Giovanni Francesco Pieri
Our Lady of Sorrows (Addolorata)
ca. 1725-70
colored wax
Collection of Franco Maria Ricci, Fontanellato

Giovanni Francesco Pieri
Holy Family with young St John the Baptist
colored wax relief mounted on slate
Los Angeles County Museum of Art