Monday, June 3, 2024

Delaunay - Matisse - Morris & Co. - de Chirico

Sonia Delaunay
Compositions - Couleurs Idées
ca. 1930
McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas

Sonia Delaunay
Design for Woman with Screen
McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas

Sonia Delaunay
distemper on canvas
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Sonia Delaunay
Costume for corps de ballet
of Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo

ca. 1935
cotton, wool and rayon
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Henri Matisse
Costume for Le Chant du Rossignol (Ballets Russes)
wool felt and silk velvet
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Henri Matisse
lithograph (book cover)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Henri Matisse
Illustration for Apollinaire
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Henri Matisse
Abduction of Europa
oil on canvas
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Morris & Co. (London)
stained glass panel
designed by Edward Burne-Jones
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington

Morris & Co. (London)
Viking Ship
stained-glass panel designed by Edward Burne-Jones
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington

Morris & Co. (London)
Sample Panel of "Ispahan"
originated in the 1880s, produced ca. 1905
wool furnishing fabric designed by William Morris
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide

Morris & Co. (London)
Day Dress
ca. 1935
cotton print designed by William Morris
Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide

Giorgio de Chirico
Costume for Ballet de L'Opéra Russe à Paris
painted wool and cotton
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Giorgio de Chirico
La Mort d'un Esprit
oil on canvas
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Giorgio de Chirico
Memory of Turin
oil on canvas
San Diego Museum of Art

Giorgio de Chirico
The Arrival
oil on canvas
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia

Leap Before You Look

The sense of danger must not disappear:
The way is certainly both short and steep,
However gradual it looks from here;
Look if you like, but you will have to leap.

Tough-minded men get mushy in their sleep
And break the by-laws any fool can keep;
It is not the convention but the fear
That has a tendency to disappear.

The worried efforts of the busy heap,
The dirt, the imprecision, and the beer
Produce a few smart wisecracks every year;
Laugh if you can, but you will have to leap.

The clothes that are considered right to wear
Will not be either sensible or cheap,
So long as we consent to live like sheep
And never mention those who disappear.

Much can be said for social savoir-faire,
But to rejoice when no one else is there
Is even harder than it is to weep;
No one is watching, but you have to leap.

A solitude ten thousand fathoms deep
Sustains the bed on which we lie, my dear:
Although I love you, you will have to leap,
Our dream of safety has to disappear.

– W.H. Auden (1940)