If you scroll down through Spencer Alley and reach the end of the pictures, the first thing you will see next is a MOST FAVORED link for Silas & Eppie, which describes itself thus:
. . . a daily set of found photo pairings by daughter and father, Bridget on left, Benjamin on right . . .
The fun for us of Silas & Eppie is in not knowing what photo the other person has selected until the two photos are posted side by side. Often there are startling coincidences. Just as often there are random incongruities.
It has, at any rate, absorbed the two of us sufficiently to carry it on since September 2008. For most of that time my daughter (art and design editor at a publishing house) has shouldered the responsibilities of "administrator."
This week, coinciding with the beginning of her maternity leave from the publishing house (and with my granddaughter due to be born in just a few days) I have resumed the role I had at the very beginning of Silas & Eppie, and am once again "administrator."
We chose Typepad as the platform for Silas & Eppie because – out of all the ones we tried – it seemed most hospitable to the job of posting two pictures from two different users side by side in one post. When possible, the photos posted on Silas & Eppie also need to be made into hot links so that clicking on the picture will take the viewer back to the picture's source. (Another job for the "administrator.")
Toiling away daily on Spencer Alley has gotten me so used to the Blogger platform that I am struggling a little to re-familiarize myself with Typepad. But I hope the Silas & Eppie leadership transition will not be too too clumsy. My daughter sends me helpful hints right away when she notices anything not quite right in the execution of the administrator's tasks that she herself has been executing with such suave seamlessness.
And there will, of course, be a significant hiatus on Silas & Eppie once the baby is born. But Spencer Alley will have plenty to say about the new tiny person. That fact goes without saying.
Photo source is here.