Mabel Watson Payne arrived with her parents for our lunch date on Clement Street on a bright chilly Sunday in San Francisco.
She decided to start out by making faces at me from underneath her new and highly flattering knitted hat.
I admired the blue mittens. Attractive and warm they may be, but the main things about them is that they are good to chew on.
There was time for a good catching-up conversation while we waited on the sidewalk for a table. I learned it might be possible (once we were inside) to witness Mabel Watson Payne's new ability to sit up in a high chair, which she has been privately mastering all this week while eating a menu of solid foods at home with the daddy. Peas and sweet potatoes and rice cereal, so far.
Mabel Watson Payne liked the bustle and the people and the colors and the pan-Asian aromas, everything suited her taste very well.