Mabel Watson Payne and her parents hosted a Saturday afternoon Valentine-making party in their San Francisco apartment. This is an annual tradition with my daughter and son-in-law, most recently documented here and here. Except that in earlier years there was a desperate poverty nobody was aware of but only now can be enlightened enough to appreciate – i.e., the former absence of Mabel Watson Payne, the life and soul of any and every party.

Favorite toys are becoming a more prominent feature of daily life. My granddaughter has (just in the past two weeks) perfected reaching and grasping, combining those skills with vigorous chewing (which she mastered some while ago). And she is deeply proud of herself, but still becomingly humble.

Most Valentine-makers made about a dozen Valentines, though I did not manage to make that many. Selected examples of the day's labors will be put on display here tomorrow.