Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Liberal Arts - Attributes and Allegories

François Bonvin
The Attributes of Painting
ca. 1875-80
oil on canvas
Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham

Frans van Mieris
Pictura (Allegory of Painting)
oil on copper
Getty Museum, Los Angeles

Anne Vallayer-Coster
Attributes of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture
oil on canvas
Musée du Louvre

Francesco Morosini
Allegory of the Liberal Arts
oil on panel
Accademia delle Arti del Disegno, Florence

Antonio Gherardi
Allegory of Painting
ca. 1660-1700
oil on canvas
Museo Civico di Palazzo dei Consoli, Gubbio

The Three Graces

We have the picture of you in mind,
when you were young, posturing
(for a photographer) in scarves
(if you could have done it). But now,
for none of you is immortal, ninety
three, the three, ninety and three,
Mary, Ellen and Emily, what
beauty is it clings still about you?
Undying? Magical? For there is still
no answer, why we live or why
you will not live longer than I
or that there be an answer why
any should live and whatever other
should die. Yet you live. You live
and all that can be said is that
you live, time cannot alter it –
and as I write this Mary has died.

– William Carlos Williams (1949)

Domenico Piola
School of Fine Arts (Allegory)
ca. 1680
oil on canvas
Palazzo Bianco, Genoa

Federico Zuccaro
Porta Virtutis (Gate of Virtue)
Minerva Triumphant over Ignorance and Calumny,
Allegory of Painting

ca. 1585
oil on canvas
Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino

Domenico Corvi
Allegory of Painting
oil on canvas
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore

Simone Cantarini
Allegory of Painting
ca. 1620-30
oil on canvas
National Museum, Warsaw

Giovanni Domenico Cerrini
Allegory of Painting 
with Self-Portrait of the Artist

ca. 1639
oil on canvas
Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna

Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin
Still Life with Attributes of the Arts
ca. 1724-28
oil on canvas
Pushkin State Museum, Moscow

Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin
Still Life with Attributes of the Arts
oil on canvas
Hermitage, Saint Petersburg

Christoph Unterberger
Ornamental Composition
with Ignudi and Grotesques
and an Allegory of Painting

oil on canvas
Worcester Art Museum
Worcester, Massachusetts

Winston  Churchill
Studio Still Life
ca. 1930
oil on canvas
National Trust, Chartwell, Kent

Samuel Peploe
Still Life with Paint Tubes
ca. 1903
oil on panel
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, Scotland

Renato Guttoso
Still Life in the Studio
ink and watercolour on paper
Tate Modern, London