Thursday, July 11, 2024

Muted Tones

Quentin Metsys
Portrait of Jacob Obrecht
tempera and oil on panel
Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas

attributed to Pietro Perugino
Christ crowned with Thorns
ca. 1500-1505
oil on panel
National Gallery, London

Portrait of a Venetian Senator
before 1510
oil on canvas
Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Dosso Dossi
Personification of Astronomy
ca. 1520-22
oil on canvas
Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara

Pieter de Witte (Pietro Candido)
Daughter of Jephthah
ca. 1600-1615
oil on canvas
Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Filippo Vitale
St Benedict of Nursia in Penitence upon Thorns
ca. 1630
oil on canvas
Musée Fesch, Ajaccio, Corsica

Jan Steen
The Supper at Emmaus
ca. 1665-66
oil on canvas
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Caspar Netscher
Portrait of Pieter Six
oil on canvas
Städel Museum, Frankfurt

Alessandro Magnasco
Three Capuchin Monks in Ecstatic Prayer
ca. 1710-35
oil on canvas
Mauritshuis, The Hague

Jean-François Millet
Les Errants
ca. 1860
oil on canvas
Denver Art Museum

Albert Pinkham Ryder
The River
ca. 1884-94
oil on canvas
Los Angeles County Museum of Art

Jean-Joseph-Benjamin Constant
Portrait of a Young Man
ca. 1890
oil on canvas
Musée des Augustins de Toulouse

Gwen John
The Friends
ca. 1898-99
oil on canvas
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

Georges Rouault
ca. 1905
oil on paper, mounted on canvas
Yale University Art Gallery

Vilhelm Hammershøi
Balcony Room at Spurveskjul
oil on canvas
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Steven Campbell
ca. 1980-90
oil on canvas
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh

from Movements

I want that height and prospect such as music
    Brings one to – music or memory,
When memory gains ground drowned-out
    By years. I want the voyage of recovery,
The wind-torn eyrie and the mast-top
    Sight of the horizon island,
Look-out tower compounded from pure sound:
    Trough on trough, valley after valley
Opens across the waves, between the dancing
    Leaves of the tree of time, and the broken chords
Space a footing for melody, borne-out above
    The haven of its still begetting, the hill
Of its sudden capture, not disembodied
    But an incarnation heard, a bird-flight
Shared, thrust and tendon and the answering air.

– Charles Tomlinson (1972)