Under the strict Saturday-evening directions of Mabel Watson Payne, I drew what appears above (inspired by a tuna can made of painted wood from her birthday set of toy wooden food). She decided how many wavy strands of water should undulate behind the fleeing fish, where its fins should go, and how many eyes it should have. Mabel contributed a couple of delicate water-squiggles with her own unmistakeable hand after we finished writing CHUNK TUNA in the spot she designated.
Sunday was a different sort of day, pretty-well filled with those time-consuming, routine, behind-the-scenes tasks that make the upcoming work-week possible. Laundry out of the way earliest (at a dim foggy hour which seemed rather earlier than usual, seeing as how I had been up the night before till well past midnight in the course of Mabel-minding) – then out to the shops.
Different day, different graphic. It took trips to three different places before I could complete the crossing-off of every item from this disorganized and doubt-ridden list. Tuna is not on the list, not this time.