Wednesday, August 1, 2012

New Shirt

Mabel Watson Payne realized up in Portland while on vacation that she did not have any button-up-the-front shirts that fit anymore so her parents bought her this checkered one and she wore it when I came over to stay with her on Tuesday afternoon.

When Daddy got back from his trip to the dentist he found us playing with miniature musical instruments. I had never seen this rhythm band before and I anticipated that the cymbals would make a bang sound but Mabel demonstrated to me that her cymbals make a ding sound that rings in the air for a long time, just like the higher-pitched ding sound of the triangle when you hit it with the special little metal stick.

Two jars of unpopped popcorn and two jars of colored sprinkles swiped from the kitchen were also serving musical purposes, to shake and rattle.