Sunday, September 29, 2024

Anshutz - Zuccaro - Anonymous - van der Werff

Thomas Pollock Anshutz
Woman Reading
ca. 1895
oil on board
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington

Thomas Pollock Anshutz
Cast of Pierre Puget's Sculpture Group
Milo of Croton attacked by a Lion

ca. 1875
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Thomas Pollock Anshutz
Cast of Antique Sculpture Group
The Wrestlers

ca. 1875
Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington

Thomas Pollock Anshutz
Classically-Draped Models in the Cast Gallery
of the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts

ca. 1883
albumen silver print
Philadelphia Museum of Art

Federico Zuccaro
Self Portrait
ca. 1580
British Museum

Federico Zuccaro
Punishment of the Wrathful
ca. 1574-79
(fresco study for cupola, Duomo di Firenze)
British Museum

Federico Zuccaro
Flying Putti
ca. 1578-79
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Federico Zuccaro
Study of Onlookers
ca. 1563-64
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Indonesian Culture
Chest Ornament
19th century
Asian Art Museum, San Francisco

Indonesian Culture
ca. 1880-1930
gilt copper
Asian Art Museum, San Francisco

Indonesian Culture
19th century
Asian Art Museum, San Francisco

Indonesian Culture
19th century
Asian Art Museum, San Francisco

Adriaen van der Werff
Boy and Girl with Guinea Pig and Kitten
ca. 1681
(variation on a painting by van der Werff)
British Museum

Adriaen van der Werff
Portrait of a Gentleman
oil on canvas
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Adriaen van der Werff
The Flagellation
oil on panel
Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Adriaen van der Werff
Sarah bringing Hagar to Abraham
oil on canvas
Alte Pinakothek, Munich

from Letter to Lord Byron 

You lived and moved among the best society
     And so could introduce your hero to it
Without the slightest tremor of anxiety;
     Because he was your hero and you knew it, 
     He'd know instinctively what's done, and do it. 
He'd find our day more difficult than yours
For industry has mixed the social drawers.

We've grown, you see, a lot more democratic,
     And Fortune's ladder is for all to climb;
Carnegie on this point was most emphatic.
     A humble grandfather is not a crime,
     At least, if father made enough in time!
To-day, thank God, we've got no snobbish feeling
Against the more efficient modes of stealing.

The porter at the Carlton is my brother,
     He'll wish me a good evening if I pay,
For tips and men are equal to each other.
     I'm sure that Vogue would be the first to say
     Que le Beau Monde is socialist to-day;
And many a bandit, not so gently born
Kills vermin every winter with the Quorn.

Adventurers, though, must take things as they find them
     And look for pickings where the pickings are.
The drives of love and hunger are behind them,
     They can't afford to be particular:
     And those who like good cooking and a car,
A certain kind of costume or of face,
Must seek them in a certain kind of place. 

Don Juan was a mixer and no doubt
     Would find this century as good as any
For getting hostesses to ask him out, 
     And mistresses that need not cost a penny.
     Indeed our ways to waste time are so many,
Thanks to technology, a list of these
Would make a longer book than Ulysses.

– W.H. Auden (1936)