Sunday, September 15, 2024

Multifarious Allegories

Karel Dujardin
Allegory on the Brevity of Life
oil on canvas
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Cornelis van Haarlem
Allegory on the Brevity of Life
oil on panel
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Carlo Maratti after Titian
Allegory on the Vanity of Earthly Life
ca. 1680
oil on canvas
Alte Pinakothek, Munich

Pieter Isaacsz
Allegory of Time, Old Age and the Scholar
ca. 1610
oil on canvas
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Karel Dujardin
Allegory on the Glory of Art conquering Time and Envy
oil on canvas
Staatsgalerie in der Neuen Residenz, Bamberg

Hans Reichle
Allegory of Artistic Creativity
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Louis Fabritius Dubourg
Allegory of Invention
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

Sassoferrato (Giovanni Battista Salvi)
Holy Family
with Allegory of Sin and Salvation

ca. 1650
oil on copper
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart

Giuseppe Passeri
Allegory of Penitence
ca. 1690
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Rosalba Carriera
Allegory of Vigilance
ca. 1725
pastel on vellum
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart

Giulio Carpioni
Allegory of Chastity
ca. 1650
oil on canvas
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart

Pieter Isaacsz
Allegory of the Sense of Hearing
oil on canvas
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Pasquale Ottino (il Pasqualotto)
Allegory on the Power of Love
(Venus, Cupid, Mars and Chronos)
ca. 1600
oil on copper
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart

Johann Heiss
Allegory of Abundance with Demeter and Retinue
ca. 1685
oil on canvas
Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart

Bernardo Strozzi
Allegorical Figure
ca. 1636
(study for painting)
 Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio

Bernardo Strozzi
Allegorical Figure
ca. 1636
oil on canvas
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio

Marching Song

Remember all those renowned generations,
They left their bodies to fatten the wolves,
They left their homesteads to fatten the foxes,
Fled to far countries, or sheltered themselves
In cavern, crevice or hole,
Defending Ireland's soul.

Be still, be still, what can be said?
My father sang that song,
But time amends old wrong,
All that is finished, let it fade.

Remember all those renowned generations,
Remember all that have sunk their blood,
Remember all that have died on the scaffold,
Remember all that have fled, that have stood,
Stood, took death like a tune
On an old tambourine.

Be still, be still, what can be said?
My father sang that song,
But time amends old wrong,
And all that is finished, let it fade.

Fail and that history turns into rubbish,
All that great past to a trouble of fools;
Those that come after shall mock at O'Donnell
Mock at the memory of both O'Neills,
Mock Emmet, mock Parnell,
All the renown that fell.

Be still, be still, what can be said?
My father sang that song,
But time amends old wrong,
And all that is finished, let it fade.

– W.B. Yeats (1939)