Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Made in 2011

Stanley Whitney
Blue Meets Yellow
oil on canvas
Palm Springs Art Museum, California

Fred Tomaselli
screenprint over inkjet print
Fralin Museum of Art, Charlottesville, Virginia

Nancy Chapman
tante pis
solarplate relief print
New Britain Museum of American Art, Connecticut

Daniel Sprick
oil on panel
Denver Art Museum, Colorado

Francesco Mastalia
Anne Eschenroeder
Big Little Farm, Gardiner, New York

pigment print
Loeb Art Center, Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, New York

Steven Laxton
Clown 4
giclée print
Portland Museum of Art, Maine

Sandra Ramos
en el pais de los ciegos
etching and aquatint
San Diego Museum of Art

Javier Rodriguez
Mirror World: the Shambles of Our Shameless
digital print
(page from artist's book)
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

John Galliano for Dior
Coat Dress
silk and polyamide
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

Ève Tremblay
Study for Dancing Books
Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec

Raphaëlle de Groot
70 objets emportés avec moi
inkjet print
Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec

Tony Clark
Two Half-Sections from Clark's Myriorama
acrylic paint and marker on canvas
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Thorsten Brinkmann
Milk Can
Kunstmuseum, The Hague

Tanja Alexia Hollander
Flo Lunn, Brooklyn, New York
pigment print
Portland Museum of Art, Maine

Ray Turner
oil on glass
Akron Art Museum, Ohio

Ray Turner
oil on glass
Akron Art Museum, Ohio

from Through the Looking Glass

Earth has turned over; our side feels the cold,
And life sinks choking in the wells of trees,
A faint heart here and there stops ticking, killed,
Icing on ponds entrances village boys:
Among wreathed holly and wrapped gifts I move,
Old carols on the piano, a glowing hearth,
All our traditional sympathy with birth,
Put by your challenge to the shifts of love.

Your portrait hangs before me on the wall,
And there what view I wish for I shall find,
The wooded or the stony, though not all
The painter's gifts can make its flatness round;
Through each blue iris greet the heaven of failures,
That mirror world where Logic is reversed,
Where age becomes the handsome child at last,
The glass wave parted for the country sailors. 

There move the enormous comics, drawn from life –
My father as an Airedale and a gardener,
My mother chasing letters with a knife.
You are not present as a character;
(Only the family have speaking parts).
You are a valley or a river-bend,
The one an aunt refers to as a friend,
The tree from which the weasel racing starts.

Behind me roars that other world it matches,
Love's daytime kingdom which I say you rule,
His total state where all must wear your badges,
Keep order perfect as a naval school.
Noble emotions, organised and massed,
Line the straight flood-lit tracks of memory
To cheer your image as it flashes by,
All lust at once informed on and suppressed.

– W.H. Auden (1933)