Monday, October 7, 2024

Miraculous Alterations

Master of the Magdalen Legend
The Raising of Lazarus (detail)
ca. 1515-20
oil on panel
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Master of the Magdalen Legend
The Raising of Lazarus
ca. 1515-20
oil on panel
Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

Joachim Wtewael
The Raising of Lazarus
ca. 1600
oil on canvas
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille

Johann Eckstein
The Raising of Lazarus
ca. 1790
colored wax relief
Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio

Félix Auvray
The Raising of Lazarus
ca. 1825
oil on canvas
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Valenciennes

Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione (il Grechetto)
The Raising of Lazarus
ca. 1649
Milwaukee Art Museum

Domenico Fiasella (il Sarzana)
Christ raising the Son of the Widow of Nain
ca. 1615
oil on canvas
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota

Hans Holbein the Elder
The Resurrection
tempera and oil on panel
(altarpiece fragment)
Städel Museum, Frankfurt

Juan Correa de Vivar
The Resurrection of Christ
ca. 1532-34
tempera on panel
Museo del Prado, Madrid

The Resurrection
ca. 1542-44
oil on canvas
(Banner for the Confraternita del Corpus Domini di Urbino)
Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Urbino

Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzola)
The Resurrection
ca. 1524-27
etching and engraving
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Giovanni Baronzio
The Ascension of Christ
ca. 1340
tempera on panel
Galleria Sabauda, Turin

Giandomenico Tiepolo
The Ascension of Christ
ca. 1745-50
oil on canvas (sketch)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond

Giulio Romano
Christ in Glory
with The Virgin and St John the Baptist,

St Paul and St Catherine of Alexandria
ca. 1520
tempera on panel
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

Hendrik van Balen
The Assumption of the Virgin
ca. 1600
oil on panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Peter Paul Rubens
The Assumption of the Virgin
ca. 1622-25
oil on panel
(modello for altarpiece)
Mauritshuis, The Hague

from The Island of Statues

Come forth: the morn is fair; as from the pyre
Of sad Queen Dido shone the lapping fire
Unto the wanderers' ships, or as day fills
The brazen sky, so blaze the daffodils;
As Argive Clytemnestra saw out-burn
The flagrant signal of her lord's return,
Afar, clear-shining on the herald hills,
In vale and dell so blaze the daffodils;
As when upon her cloud-o'er-muffled steep
Œnone saw the fires of Troia leap,
And laugh'd, so, so along the bubbling rills
In lemon-tinted lines, so blaze the daffodils.
Come forth, come forth, my music flows for thee,
A quenchless grieving of love melody. 

– W.B. Yeats (1885)