Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Toorop - Huber - Copier - Worth

Charley Toorop
Three Generations
(the artist, her son & her father-as-bust)
ca. 1945
oil on canvas
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Charley Toorop
Meal among Friends
oil on canvas
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Charley Toorop
Self Portrait
oil on canvas
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Charley Toorop
Self Portrait
oil on canvas
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Wolfgang Huber
Hermit with Crucifix
British Museum

Wolfgang Huber
Portrait of a Woman
ca. 1522-23
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Wolfgang Huber
Pyramus and Thisbe
ca. 1515
Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum, Braunschweig

Wolfgang Huber
Drapery Study
ca. 1528
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Andries Dirk Copier for Leerdam Glassworks, Netherlands
Romanda Glass
cs. 1924
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

Andries Dirk Copier
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Andries Dirk Copier for Leerdam Glassworks, Netherlands
Flower Pots
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Andries Dirk Copier for Leerdam Glassworks, Netherlands
Flower Pots
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

House of Worth
ca. 1910
silk and lace
Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona

House of Worth
Evening Gown
ca. 1886
silk satin, faille and brocade
Philadelphia Museum of Art

House of Worth
Evening Gown
ca. 1867
silk faille
Philadelphia Museum of Art

House of Worth (Anonymous Imitator)
Evening Gown
silk taffeta
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

from The Witnesses

We're afraid in that case you'll have a fall; 
We've been watching you over the garden wall
     For hours:
The sky is darkening like a stain;
Something is going to fall like rain,
     And it won't be flowers.

When the green field comes off like a lid,
Revealing what was much better hid –
And look, behind you without a sound
The woods have come up and are standing round
     In deadly crescent. 

The bolt is sliding in its groove;
Outside the window is the black remov-
     -er's van:
And now with sudden swift emergence
Come the hooded women, the hump-backed surgeons,
     And the Scissor Man.

This might happen any day;
So be careful what you say
     And do:
Be clean, be tidy, oil the lock,
Weed the garden, wind the clock;
     Remember the Two.

– W.H. Auden (ca. 1932)