Roman sculptor Antinous AD 131-132 marble Prado |
Statues and busts of Antinous were mass-produced (like the one above) all across the Roman Empire early in the 2nd century, after the tragic drowning of this young imperial favorite. Collections at the Prado demonstrate that similar mass-production revived in 16th and 17th-century Italy, as European demand for Roman sculpture began to exceed authentic supplies.
Italian sculptor Antinous 16th century marble Prado |
Below, an illuminating melange of ancient Roman marbles (made to look newer) and modern Italian marbles (made to look older).
Roman sculptor Hadrian ca. AD 130-138 marble Prado |
Roman sculptor Germanicus ca. AD 40 marble Prado |
Giovanni Battista Bonanome Vespasian ca. 1562-65 marble Prado |
Italian sculptor Marcus Aurelius 16th century marble Prado |
Roman sculptor Dionysus with panther ca. AD 135 marble Prado |
Roman sculptor Pugilist ca. AD 50-70 marble Prado |
Silvio Cosini Meleager ca. 1540 marble Prado |
studio of Tullio Lombardo Youth ca. 1500 marble Prado |
Vincenzo Grandi Plato 16th century marble Prado |
Vincenzo Grandi Aristotle 16th century marble Prado |
Italian sculptor Roman youth 16th century marble Prado |
Italian sculptor Bust of a bearded man 16th century marble Prado |
I am grateful for the beautiful reproductions made available by Museo del Prado.