Monday, July 6, 2020

Classical Sculptures and Reliefs as Neoclassical Painting

Robert Fagan
Bacchic Celebrations
(after an antique relief in marble)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Robert Fagan
Dionysus, Bacchus, Ampelos, Silenus and Maenad
(after an antique relief in marble)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Francis Hayman
Emperor Constantine sacrificing to Diana
(after relief-figures on the Arch of Constantine in Rome)
before 1776
oil on panel
National Trust, Blickling Hall, Norwich

Robert Fagan
Personification of Autumn with Hercules carrying the Cretan Bull
(after an antique relief in marble)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Robert Fagan
Marriage of Peleus and Thetis
(after an antique relief in marble)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Francis Hayman
Emperor Trajan sacrificing to Mars Victorious
(after relief-figures on the Arch of Constantine in Rome)
before 1776
oil on panel
National Trust, Blickling Hall, Norwich

"In the second half of the eighteenth century a traveller could write that "Rome is the first world which we have known, and a world which History, Eloquence, Poetry and all the most seductive arts vied with each other to embellish. It is a world in which the only foreigners are those who are foreigners to letters and all useful and agreeable knowledge," and he quoted the famous lines of Montaigne's Essays written nearly two hundred years earlier: "I was familiar with the affairs of Rome long before I was with those of my own house. I knew the Capitol and its position before I knew the Louvre, and the Tiber before the Seine. I have meditated more on the conditions and fortunes of Lucullus, Metellus and Scipio than I have about many of our own men."

– Francis Haskell and Nicholas Penny, Taste and the Antique (Yale University Press, 1981)

Robert Fagan
Paetus and Arria
(after an antique sculpture group)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Robert Fagan
Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus, known as Pasquino Group 
(after an antique sculpture group)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Francis Hayman
Figures crowning a statue of Hercules
(after relief-figures on the Arch of Constantine in Rome)
before 1776
oil on panel
National Trust, Blickling Hall, Norwich

Robert Fagan
Orestes and Electra
(after an antique sculpture group)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Robert Fagan
Castor and Pollux
(after an antique sculpture group)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Francis Hayman
Mercury delivering a Message to Jupiter and Juno, with Neptune in attendance
(after an antique relief in Museo Angelonio, Rome)
before 1776
oil on panel
National Trust, Blickling Hall, Norwich

Robert Fagan
Cupid and Psyche
(after an antique sculpture group)
ca. 1793-95
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire

Francis Hayman
Sacrifice to Apollo
(after relief-figures on the Arch of Constantine in Rome)
before 1776
oil on panel
National Trust, Blickling Hall, Norwich

George Barret the Younger and William Barret
Bacchus enthroned, served by Boys with attendant Bacchantes
(after an antique relief in marble)
oil on canvas
National Trust, Attingham Park, Shropshire