Saturday, June 6, 2009


March 2009

June 2009

With an exaggerated sense of freedom (due entirely to being done with jury duty) I walked down Spencer Alley and out into the Saturday morning sunshine on my way to Mystic Haircutting over near the intersection where Haight meets Market. Even on a bright summer day the streets of the Inner Mission are pretty much deserted at such an early hour on a weekend. After walking a few blocks on Valencia I noticed some alleyway murals that I knew I had photographed in the past. They had changed almost beyond recognition, so I took a minute to photograph them over again.

September 2008

June 2009

After a few more blocks on Valencia I came to another alleyway where the same thing had happened.

February 2009

June 2009

In the view immediately above, the chicken of February is barely visible under the black heavy and drippy tagging covering it in June. I am sorry about the chicken but not sorry about the new dark poignant silver-and-black figure to the left of the chicken.