The walk home across San Francisco from the library where I work near Golden Gate Park to Spencer Alley in the Mission takes about 40 minutes. Today was bright & cold and I decided to walk instead of catching the bus, mostly due to the winter-looking sunlight. The tunnel above (with wild flowers growing between the tracks) is for MUNI streetcars heading out toward the Ocean or making their return trips downtown.
I cannot claim to understand this spontaneous assemblage displayed against the side of a house near the Panhandle.
Above (and nearer to home) I passed one of many deserted movie theaters on Mission Street. I have, in fact, photographed this one before. But every time I pass, some new piece of its slow destruction has occurred. In the lower left corner of the picture you can observe a light pole garnished with hanging flower baskets that the City can afford to maintain, even though the biggest local news story of the week involved the layoff of an additional cohort of employees whose salaries the City claims to be unable to afford.
After reaching home and changing clothes I set off once more, walking a different route than usual to the gym, a route that took me underneath an elevated freeway that is caught here in the act of pretending NOT to be an ugly monstrosity.
And I couldn't remember ever before seeing San Francisco abbreviated to S FCO, as it is above in small red letters giving the street address of the Roccapulco Night Club.
A day full of rich sights. After I reached the gym and was working with the trainer we both happened to look out through the industrial, many-paned, floor-to-ceiling windows at the same time and agreed it was shocking to see it dark outside at barely 5:00. "Now it is winter," we said.