Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Magazine Work

Above are a couple of stills from Sweden's Next Top Model, a licensed spin-off of the popular American reality show. I found these unexpected black-and-white images on the site of Peruvian fashion photographer Bell Soto, who had been invited to shoot the aspiring models for an episode of the Swedish show.

I was looking for more of Bell Soto's fashion work, having already glimpsed a hint of it at the end of one of those long untraceable trails of internet image-links. After getting past the Top Model distraction, I found many praiseworthy magazine spreads by Bell Soto to look at – but will only use a couple of samples here.

Set of 4 photos above from a feature for Fiasco. Set of 4 photo-spreads below from a feature for Carbon Copy

And a couple of extras at the end, as at the beginning.