Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Emerging from Dimness

Christoph Gertner
Amorous Couple, with Death lurking in the Shadows
ca. 1600
oil on slate
Národní Galerie, Prague

Hendrick van Steenwyck the Younger
Esther and Mordecai
(scene from the Biblical book of Esther)
oil on panel
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC

attributed to Luciano Borzone
Portrait of Pompilio Ambanelli
ca. 1620
oil on canvas
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

David Teniers the Younger
Dinner in the Barn
oil on panel
Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe

attributed to Francesco Cairo
Martyrdom of St Agnes
oil on canvas
Galleria Sabauda, Turin

attributed to Govert Flinck
Study Head of Young Man
ca. 1637
oil on canvas
Leiden Collection, New York

Gerard ter Borch
A Musical Company
ca. 1642-44
oil on panel
Leiden Collection, New York

Pieter Verelst
Head of an Old Man
oil on panel
Musée des Augustins de Toulouse

Michiel Sweerts
Woman Spinning
ca. 1656
oil on canvas
Museum Gouda

Anonymous Dutch Artist working in Dordrecht
Still Life
ca. 1660-80
oil on panel
Leiden Collection, New York

Onorio Marinari
Mater Dolorosa
ca. 1670-80
oil on canvas
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota

Anonymous Lombard Artist
The Deposition
ca. 1680-90
oil on panel
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

Pompeo Batoni
Vulcan at the Forge
oil on canvas
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

Franz Anton Maulbertsch
Abraham prevented from sacrificing Isaac
ca. 1755
oil on canvas
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Francisco Goya
Portrait of army doctor José Queraltó
oil on canvas
Neue Pinakothek, Munich

Théodule Ribot
The Empty Bottle
ca. 1876-81
oil on canvas
Städel Museum, Frankfurt

Men improve with the Years

I am worn out with dreams;
A weather-worn, marble triton
Among the streams;
And all day long I look
Upon this lady's beauty
As though I had found in a book
A pictured beauty,
Pleased to have filled the eyes
Or the discerning ears,
Delighted to be but wise,
For men improve with the years;
And yet, and yet,
Is this my dream, or the truth?
O would that we had met
When I had my burning youth!
But I grow old among dreams,
A weather-worn, marble triton
Among the streams.

– W.B. Yeats (1919)