Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Paradise Story - II

Jan Brueghel the Elder
Earthly Paradise with the Fall of Man
oil on copper
Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Rome

Jan Soens
Fall of Man
ca. 1586
oil on canvas
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

Jan Gossaert
Fall of Man
ca. 1520-25
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Giuseppe Porta (Giuseppe Salviati)
Adam and Eve after the Fall
ca. 1550
oil on canvas
Musée des Augustins de Toulouse

Anonymous Italian Artist
God the Father chiding Adam and Eve
19th century
Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan

Peter Paul Rubens
Adam reproaching Eve
ca. 1599-1600
oil on panel
Rubenshuis, Antwerp

John Milton
Paradise Lost
(frontispiece portrait and title page)
letterpress and engraving
Morgan Library, New York

Auguste Rodin
Art Institute of Chicago

Auguste Rodin
Eve after the Fall
Art Institute of Chicago

Bernardino Riccardi
Adam in contemplation after the Fall
ca. 1842
oil on canvas
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

Jan Soens
Expulsion from Paradise
ca. 1586
oil on canvas
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

Jan Soens
Adam and Eve after the Fall
ca. 1586
oil on canvas
Galleria Nazionale di Parma

Alasdair Gray
Eden and After
ca. 1965-66
oil on board
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh

Fer Hakkaart
Adam and Eve with Newborn Child
oil on canvas
Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden

Édouard Debat-Ponsan
The First Grief
oil on canvas
Musée des Augustins de Toulouse

Giovanni Gaibazzi
The Cursing of Cain
ca. 1839
oil on canvas
Galleria Nazionale di Parma


Somewhere in Eden, after all this time,
does there still stand, abandoned, like
a ruined city, gates sealed with grisly nails,
the luckless garden?

Is sultry day still followed there
by sultry dusk, sultry night,
where on the branches sallow and purple
the fruit hangs rotting?

Is there still, underground,
spreading like lace among the rocks
a network of unexploited lodes,
onyx and gold?

Through the lush greenery
their wash echoing afar
do there still flow the four glassy streams
of which no mortal drinks?

Somewhere in Eden, after all this time,
does there still stand, like a city in ruins,
forsaken, doomed to slow decay,
the failed garden?

– Ina Rousseau (1954), translated from Afrikaans by J.M. Coetzee (2007)