Sunday, September 6, 2020

British Figure Painting - Twentieth Century

Charles Haslewood Shannon
The Capture
oil on canvas
Usher Gallery, Lincoln

Anthony Fry
Dancing Figures in a Landscape
oil on canvas
Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art

Francis Bacon
Study of a Nude
oil on canvas
Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, University of East Anglia, Norwich

George Speake
Counterfeit Liferoom
ca. 1966
oil on panel
University College London Art Museum

Jeffery Camp
South Coast Walking
oil on canvas
Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston, Lancashire

Peter de Francia
Three Quarrymen
ca. 1968
oil on linen
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh

Dod Procter
Eileen Mayo
ca. 1925
oil on canvas
Penlee House Gallery and Museum, Penzance, Cornwall

        "But Audrey was a natural metaphysician. She loved, as she grew older, the facts which Catherine had taught her, simply for the sake of argument, deduction, and speculation. Also, the people in the Bible were human exceedingly, beyond anything in the world of history or literature. That they did, they did nakedly and without shame. They were greedy, they were ambitious, they lost their tempers and were rude to each other and the Almighty. Heroes did mean things, gross things, betrayed their friends and their women and yet came again and did gloriously. They were irascible, covetous and fanatically cruel. Yet behind it all Audrey could trace the trickle of a steady purpose . . . the conviction that life was not enough. They were even comic, some of them, but always the conviction was there."   

– Elizabeth Cambridge (Barbara Hodges), Hostages to Fortune (1933)

William Roberts
Les Routiers
ca. 1931
oil on canvas
Ulster Museum, Belfast

Laura Knight
The Last Act
oil on canvas
Dundee Art Galleries and Museums, Scotland

Peter Howson
The Great Log Race
acrylic on paper
Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art

John Copley
Men and Mountains
oil on panel
Manchester Art Gallery

Bruce McLean
Exit the Model
acrylic on canvas
Leeds Art Gallery, Yorkshire

Patrick Procktor
Figures Red and Blue
oil on canvas
Museums Sheffield, Yorkshire

John Bellany
My Son Tristan
ca. 1980
oil on canvas
Leicestershire County Council

George Washington Lambert
The Pond
oil on canvas
Leeds Art Gallery, Yorkshire