Guercino (and assistants)
Mercury inducing Calypso to release Ulysses from Ogygia
(scene from The Odyssey)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Sala Grande)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Ulysses and Companions fleeing the Grotto of Polyphemus
(scene from The Odyssey)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Sala Grande)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Circe restoring Ulysses' Companions to Human Form
(scene from The Odyssey)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Sala Grande)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Ulysses and the Prophet Tiresias
(scene from The Odyssey)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Sala Grande)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Ulysses and the Sirens
(scene from The Odyssey)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Sala Grande)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Ulysses sailing with Favourable Winds
(scene from The Odyssey)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Sala Grande)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
"Guercino certainly worked with helpers from the very start, for instance on large-scale decorative projects in Cento. . . . Those pupils who worked with him at the Casa Pannini formed the embryo of the flourishing workshop that he established in Cento on his return from Rome in 1623. Among them were Lorenzo and Bartolomeo Gennari [sons of Guercino's early teacher in Cento, Benedetto Gennari the Elder, who had died in 1610], along with unnamed workmen to carry out the menial tasks."
Guercino (and assistants)
Rinaldo asleep in the lap of Armida
(scene from Gerusalemme Liberata)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Camera delle Venere)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Armida abducting Rinaldo in Chariot drawn by Dragons
(scene from Gerusalemme Liberata)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Camera delle Venere)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Rinaldo fleeing the Castle of Armida
(scene from Gerusalemme Liberata)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Camera delle Venere)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Armida left alone in the Castle
(scene from Gerusalemme Liberata)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Camera delle Venere)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Armida attempting to kill Rinaldo in Battle
(scene from Gerusalemme Liberata)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Camera delle Venere)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Rinaldo preventing Armida's Suicide
(scene from Gerusalemme Liberata)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Camera delle Venere)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Rinaldo overcoming the Spell of the Enchanted Forest
(scene from Gerusalemme Liberata)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Camera delle Venere)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
Guercino (and assistants)
Armida leaving Goffredo
(scene from Gerusalemme Liberata)
Decorations of the Casa Pannini in Cento (Camera delle Venere)
detached fresco
Pinacoteca Civica, Cento |
– quoted text from
The Paintings of Guercino: a revised and expanded catalogue raisonné by Nicholas Turner (Rome: Ugo Bozzi Editore, 2017)