Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Embodied Abstractions, Symbolic Depictions - VIII

Christian Rohlfs
Death with Coffin
ca. 1910
High Museum of Art, Atlanta

Eglon van der Neer
Allegory of Death
oil on panel
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence

Jacopo Ligozzi
Death strangling a Warrior
Morgan Library, New York

Hans Baldung
The Three Stages of Life with Figure of Death
ca. 1509-1510
oil on panel
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Jan Lievens
Squabbling Card Players and Death
Leiden Collection, New York

Antonio de Pereda
ca. 1670
oil on canvas
Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence

Maria van Oosterwyck
Vanitas Still Life with Skull
oil on canvas
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Jean-François de Le Motte
Trompe l'oeil Vanitas Still Life with Skull
ca. 1670
oil on canvas
Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon

Johann Adalbert Angermeyer
Vanitas Still Life with Skull
oil on panel
Deutsche Barockgalerie, Augsburg

Franciscus Gysbrechts
Vanitas Still Life with Skull
ca. 1675
oil on canvas
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Jan Davidsz de Heem
Vanitas Still Life with Skull
oil on panel
Národní Galerie, Prague

Anonymous German Artist
17th century
Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

Anonymous Netherlandish Artist
Memento Mori
oil on panel
Mauritshuis, The Hague

Anonymous French Artist
Memento Mori - Pendant to a Rosary
ca. 1525
Detroit Institute of Arts

Anonymous French Artist
Memento Mori - Pendant to a Rosary
ca. 1525
Detroit Institute of Arts

Anonymous French Artist
Memento Mori - Pendant to a Rosary
ca. 1525
Detroit Institute of Arts

Tom the Lunatic

Sang old Tom the lunatic
That sleeps under the canopy:
'What change has put my thoughts astray
And eyes that had so keen a sight?
What has turned to smoking wick
Nature's pure unchanging light?

'Huddon and Duddon and Daniel O'Leary,
Holy Joe, the beggar-man,
Wenching, drinking, still remain
Or sing a penance on the road;
Something made these eyeballs weary
That blinked and saw them in a shroud.

'Whatever stand in field or flood,
Bird, beast, fish or man,
Mare or stallion, cock or hen,
Stands in God's unchanging eye
In all the vigour of its blood,
In that faith I live or die.'

– W.B. Yeats (1931)