Sunday, August 18, 2024

Made in Pairs -III

Severin Roesen
ca. 1862-72
oil on panel
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh

Severin Roesen
ca. 1862-72
oil on panel
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh

Anonymous Italian Artist after Giambologna
Hercules and Lichas
ca. 1600-1625
bronze statuette
Art Institute of Chicago

Anonymous Italian Artist after Giambologna
Hercules and Antaeus
ca. 1600-1625
bronze statuette
Art Institute of Chicago

Gherardo Starnina
Isaiah flanked by Angels
ca. 1410
tempera on panel
(predella fragment)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Gherardo Starnina
Jeremiah flanked by Angels
ca. 1410
tempera on panel
(predella fragment)
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Louis-Léopold Boilly
Portrait of Monsieur d'Aucourt de Saint-Just
ca. 1800-1801
oil on canvas
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille

Louis-Léopold Boilly
Portrait of Madame d'Aucourt de Saint-Just
ca. 1800-1801
oil on canvas
Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille

Jean-Louis Journet
Belisarius reduced to Beggary
marble relief
Musée Fabre, Montpellier

Jean-Louis Journet
Diogenes seeking an Honest Man
marble relief
Musée Fabre, Montpellier

Joseph Highmore
Portrait of Mrs Freeman Flower
oil on canvas
Art Institute of Chicago

Joseph Highmore
Portrait of Freeman Flower
oil on canvas
Art Institute of Chicago

Bonifazio Veronese
Justice and Temperance
ca. 1532
oil on canvas
Gallerie Estense, Modena

Bonifazio Veronese
Prudence and Fortitude
ca. 1532
oil on canvas
Gallerie Estense, Modena

Georges Valmier
gouache on paper
Yale University Art Gallery

Georges Valmier
gouache on paper
Yale University Art Gallery

Oil and Blood

In tombs of gold and lapis lazuli
Bodies of holy men and women exude
Miraculous oil, odour of violet.

But under heavy loads of trampled clay
Lie bodies of the vampires full of blood;
Their shrouds are bloody and their lips are wet. 

– W.B. Yeats (1933)