Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Made in 1995

John Newman
Das Fingerspitzengefühl
hand-colored cast polymer
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Beatrice Wood
Gold Lustre Pilgrim Bottle
glazed earthenware
Racine Art Museum, Wisconsin

Patsy Hely
porcelain, wood, glass, brass
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Patsy Hely
Six Small Cups with Wire Carrier
porcelain, metal, wood
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

George Stoll
Orange County Museum of Art, Costa Mesa, California

Laurence Aberhart
Bird Skins Room
gelatin silver print
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Helen Fuller
Swatch #3
gouache, acrylic and fabric collage on paper
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra

Linda Stojak
oil on paper
Weatherspoon Art Museum, Greensboro, North Carolina

Elizabeth Peyton
Princess Kurt
oil on linen
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis

William Kentridge
Herbaceous Border
(series, Colonial Landscapes)
charcoal and colored chalk on paper
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne

Paterson Ewen
Green Apples
watercolor on paper
Museum London, Ontario

Evergon (Albert Lunt)
The Stag Amour
gelatin silver print
Musée National des Beaux-Arts du Québec

James Garrett Faulkner
Egg Sculpture Midday
collage on paper
Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Wisconsin

Art Chantry
End of a Perfect Day
screenprint (concert poster)
Denver Art Museum

Peter Blake
Drake, Land Wars in Ireland, Essex
graphite and crayon on paper
Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney

Michel Lawrence
Portrait of artist Jon Campbell
Heide Museum of Modern Art, Bulleen, Australia

from A Voyage

                                     I. Whither? 

Where does this journey look which the watcher upon the quay,
Standing under his evil star, so bitterly envies,
As the mountains swim away with slow calm strokes
And the gulls abandon their vow? Does it promise a juster life?

Alone with his heart at last, does the fortunate traveller find
In the vague touch of a breeze, the fickle flash of a wave,
Proofs that somewhere exists, really, the Good Place,
Convincing as those that children find in stones and holes?

No, he discovers nothing: he does not want to arrive.
His journey is false, his unreal excitement really an illness
On a false island where the heart cannot act and will not suffer:
He condones his fever; he is weaker than he thought; his weakness is real. 

But, at moments, as when real dolphins with leap and panache
Cajole for recognition or, far away, a real island
Gets up to catch his eye, his trance is broken: he remembers
Times and places where he was well; he believes in joy,

That, maybe, his fever shall find a cure, the true journey an end
Where hearts meet and are really true, and crossed this ocean, that parts
Hearts which alter but is the same always, that goes
Everywhere, as truth and falsehood go, but cannot suffer.

– W.H. Auden (1938)