Monday, August 19, 2024

Made in Pairs - IV

Gian Paolo Panini and workshop
Hermes appearing to Calypso
oil on canvas
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota

Gian Paolo Panini and workshop
Hermes rescuing Odysseus from Circe
oil on canvas
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota

Anonymous German Artist
Anatomical Model of a Woman
ca. 1600-1650
bronze statuette
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore

Anonymous German Artist
Anatomical Model of a Man
ca. 1600-1650
bronze statuette
Walters Art Museum, Baltimore

These small bronze models were in use during the 17th century by physicians, who had not yet generally adopted the practice of investigating the human body by direct observation.  Patients typically remained clothed during medical examinations, describing symptoms while indicating afflicted areas on the anatomical model.

Jan Vermeulen
Vanitas Still Life
ca. 1660
oil on canvas
Deutsche Barockgalerie, Augsburg

Jan Vermeulen
Vanitas Still Life
ca. 1660
oil on canvas
Deutsche Barockgalerie, Augsburg

Lazzaro Baldi
The Continence of Scipio
ca. 1660-61
oil on canvas
Gallerie Estense, Modena

Lazzaro Baldi
Scipio proclaims Massinissa King of Numidia
ca. 1660-61
oil on canvas
Gallerie Estense, Modena

Johann Georg Platzer
Palace Interior with Musical Company
before 1761
oil on copper
(cello player at center is self-portrait)
Národní Galerie, Prague

Johann Georg Platzer
Palace Interior with Company at Leisure
before 1761
oil on copper
Národní Galerie, Prague

Anonymous Italian Artist
Reliquary Bust of St Romulus as Virgil
ca. 1725-50
gilt bronze head, bronze socle, agate body
Gallerie Estense, Modena

Anonymous Italian Artist
Reliquary Bust of St Eustace as Hermes
ca. 1725-50
gilt bronze head, bronze socle, agate body
Gallerie Estense, Modena

Johann Evangelist Holzer
Portrait of Christian Georg von Köpf
oil on canvas
Deutsche Barockgalerie, Augsburg

Johann Evangelist Holzer
Portrait of Maria Magdalena von Köpf
oil on canvas
Deutsche Barockgalerie, Augsburg

Frans de Vos 
European Circus Banner - Acrobats and Clowns
ca. 1900
oil on canvas
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota

Frans de Vos
European Circus Banner - Acrobats and Clowns
ca. 1900
oil on canvas
John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota

The Nineteenth Century and After

Though the great song return no more
There's keen delight in what we have:
The rattle of pebbles on the shore
Under the receding wave.

 – W.B. Yeats (1933)