Monday, August 26, 2024

Embodied Abstractions, Symbolic Depictions - VII

Allegorical Figure
ca. 1514-15
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

Nicolò dell' Abate
Allegorical Figure
ca. 1550
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio

Anonymous Italian Artist
Allegorical Figure
ca. 1550-1600
Fondation Custodia, Paris

Pietro Liberi
Allegorical Figure
ca. 1670
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Andreas Göding
Allegorical Portrait of Johann Georg I of Saxony
oil on copper
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden

Franz Anton Maulbertsch
Allegorical Scene
ca. 1759-60
oil on canvas
(study for ceiling fresco)
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Carlo Maratti
Study for Allegorical Scene in Pendentive
ca. 1680
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Marcantonio Raimondi
Allegorical Composition
ca. 1515
Biblioteca Reale, Turin

Gaspare Diziani
Allegorical Subject
ca. 1750
Morgan Library, New York

attributed to Charles Meynier
Amor Omnibus Idem
oil on canvas
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence

Alessandro Magnasco
St Augustine and the Child on the Beach
(Allegory on the Mystery of the Holy Trinity)

ca. 1740
oil on canvas
Cincinnati Art Museum, Ohio

Anonymous Italian Artist
Figure of Liberality
17th century
Morgan Library, New York

Anonymous Italian Artist after Parmigianino
The Three Ages of Man
ca. 1550
Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna

Anonymous Italian Artist
Father Time
16th century
Art Institute of Chicago

Pompeo Batoni
Allegory of the Visual Arts
ca. 1739-40
oil on canvas
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden

Giulio Campi
Allegory of Vanity
oil on canvas
Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan

The Delphic Oracle upon Plotinus

Behold that great Plotinus swim 
Buffeted by such seas;
Bland Rhadamanthus beckons him,
But the Golden Race looks dim,
Salt blood blocks his eyes.

Scattered on the level grass
Or winding through the grove
Plato there and Minos pass,
There stately Pythagoras
And all the choir of Love.

– W.B. Yeats (1931)