Eugène Carrière Woman with a Red Flower ca. 1887 oil on canvas Musée de la Chartreuse, Douai |
Édouard Vuillard Portrait of Suzanne Desprès 1908 oil on cardboard Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen |
Johan Scherf Debussy 2003 oil and acrylic on paper, mounted on panel Museum De Lakenhal, Leiden |
Moisey Nappelbaum Dancing Couple ca. 1920 gum bichromate print Museum Ludwig, Cologne |
William Dyce Elisha directing Joash to shoot the Arrow of Deliverance 1844 oil on canvas Hamburger Kunsthalle |
Giorgio de Chirico Piazza d'Italia 1956 oil on canvas Museum Ludwig, Cologne |
George Bellows Nude with Red Hair 1920 oil on canvas National Gallery of Art, Washington DC |
Honoré Daumier Saltimbanques ca. 1865-73 drawing Städel Museum, Frankfurt |
Eva Rubinstein Bed in Mirror 1972 gelatin silver print Museum Ludwig, Cologne |
Helfried Strauss Sanssouci 1982 gelatin silver print Museum Ludwig, Cologne |
Bill Brandt Portrait of Edith Sitwell ca. 1949 gelatin silver print Museum Ludwig, Cologne |
Peter Hujar Portrait of Paul Thek 1967 pigment print Museum Folkwang, Essen |
Christian Waller Figure Study ca. 1920-30 drawing National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne |
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller Prater Landscape ca. 1835 oil on panel Alte Nationalgalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin |
Édouard Vuillard Annette and Jacques Roussel doing their Homework 1906 oil on cardboard Kunsthaus Zürich |
Wilhelm Marstrand Italian Abbot beset by Carnival Revelers ca. 1847 oil on canvas Ordrupgaard Art Museum, Copenhagen |
Off went his silken robe, and in he leapt;
Whom the kinde waves so licorously cleapt,
Thickning for haste one in another so,
To kisse his skin, that he might almost go
Thickning for haste one in another so,
To kisse his skin, that he might almost go
To Heroes Towre, had that kind minuit lasted.
But now the cruell fates with Ate hasted
To all the windes, and made them battaile fight
Upon the Hellespont, for eithers right
Pretended to the windie monarchie.
And forth they brake, the Seas mixt with the skie,
And tost distrest Leander, being in hell,
As high as heaven; Blisse not in height doth dwell.
The Destinies sate dancing on the waves,
But now the cruell fates with Ate hasted
To all the windes, and made them battaile fight
Upon the Hellespont, for eithers right
Pretended to the windie monarchie.
And forth they brake, the Seas mixt with the skie,
And tost distrest Leander, being in hell,
As high as heaven; Blisse not in height doth dwell.
The Destinies sate dancing on the waves,
To see the glorious windes with mutuall braves
Consume each other: O true glasse to see,
How ruinous ambitious Statists bee
To their owne glorie! Poore Leander cried
For help to Sea-borne Venus; she denied:
To Boreas, that for his Atthæas sake,
He would some pittie on his Hero take,
And for his owne loves sake, on his desires:
How ruinous ambitious Statists bee
To their owne glorie! Poore Leander cried
For help to Sea-borne Venus; she denied:
To Boreas, that for his Atthæas sake,
He would some pittie on his Hero take,
And for his owne loves sake, on his desires:
But Glorie never blowes cold Pitties fires.
Then calde he Neptune, who through all the noise,
Knew with affright his wrackt Leanders voice:
And up he rose, for haste his forehead hit
Gainst heavens hard Christall; his proud waves he smit
With his forkt scepter, that could not obay,
Much greater powers then Neptunes gave them sway.
Then calde he Neptune, who through all the noise,
Knew with affright his wrackt Leanders voice:
And up he rose, for haste his forehead hit
Gainst heavens hard Christall; his proud waves he smit
With his forkt scepter, that could not obay,
Much greater powers then Neptunes gave them sway.
– Christopher Marlowe, from Hero and Leander (published 1598)