Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March Rain

1/100 second, f/16

Downtown San Francisco from Dolores Park in the rain in March. This is a 50 mm f/1.4 prime lens (without a zoom). When I got back from the library in the afternoon it was just starting to rain and the light looked different from any that I had tried so far with this new camera. I grabbed it and went back out in a hurry while the rain was still just getting started, vowing to be cautious about getting the precious gadget wet. These were all taken at ISO 500 in and around the park, mostly from underneath the shelter of trees.

1/160 second, f/16

The little tower (above) belongs to Mission High School, across the street from the park. The architecture of that high school is hard to describe. Colonial Baroque Moorish.

1/50 second, f/16

1/40 second, f/16

The Christian Science dome again, gleaming wet this time.

1/60 second, f/16

1/80 second, f/16

1/80 second, f/16

1/30 second, f/16